Ready to Break, Optimize, and Secure Your Database? Purchase the Book Today!

Hacking MySQL

After reading Hacking MySQL: Breaking, Optimizing and Securing MySQL for Your Use Case, you will be able to safely break your database instances to expose and overcome the nuanced issues that affect performance, availability, and security of your MySQL installation.

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Why Should I Read the Book?

You should read this book because it will equip you with powerful tools enabling you to understand the reasons your database breaks before walking you through how to optimize it for performance and secure it from data breaches.


Hacking MySQL is purposefully split into three parts: Breaking, Optimizing, and Securing.
This book will walk you through the factors that break your database (causes behind slow query performance, etc.), help you optimize and prevent those factors from occurring, and provide your database with the necessary security measures so you can sleep soundly.

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The Author

Lukas Vileikis

Lukas is a database expert, security evangelist, and an international speaker on information security and database-related topics.

Lukas is also the founder of BreachDirectory: a data breach search engine based on MySQL.

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